加拿大蒙特利尔国际制造技术展览会(Montreal Manufacturing Technology Show / MMTS)是加拿大魁北克领先的制造技术及贸易展,是金属加工技术与数字化转型相连,该展两年一届,在蒙特利尔国际会展中心举行。
展品范围(Show Products):
先进制造:胶粘剂、环氧树脂、灌封胶,自动化制造和装配,条码技术,复合材料制造,控制系统,设计、CAD / CAM软件,尺寸测量,电器及电子元件及系统,先进材料,符合人体工程学的产品,ERP / PLM软件,检验与测试,仪器仪表,激光与激光系统,直线运动系统,打标系统,材料处理系统,显微镜,运动控制设备,模具制造,品质管制,机器人系统,机器视觉系统,工厂工程和维护,金融及租赁服务,柔性制造系统,精益生产;
快速 - 3D打印/添加剂制造:3D扫描仪,3D实体建模,3D打印/添加剂制造,铸件,数字化制造,原型,逆向工程,扫描仪和扫描;
展会报告(Show Reports):
As the most important manufacturing technology event in Quebec, MMTS is more than a tradeshow. MMTS is an EVENT dedicated to manufacturing! We provide a venue for the manufacturing community to come together to connect and grow. This is a unique opportunity to showcase products, communicate with industry leaders and gain practical knowledge to thrive, evolve and stay competitive.
Brochures stick to the basics. Videos only tell part of the story. The best way to learn about a new product is to see it directly. Come visit the MMTS and meet more than 150 Canadian manufacturing equipment suppliers andand manufacturers, all under one roof.
For more than 30 years, Quebec’s most comprehensive manufacturing event has been held in Montreal. The Montreal Manufacturing Technology Show (MMTS) brings together key industries including Aerospace, Transportation, Furniture & Fixtures, Agri-Food and Energy.
The event showcases technology and process innovations in Machine Tools and Tooling, metalworking and Advanced Manufacturing solutions including Automation, Design, and Additive Manufacturing. MMTS provides the tools to ensure Quebec’s manufacturers increase productivity, quality and improve their global competitiveness.