美国国际建筑材料展览会( NAHB International Builders Show® / IBS)是世界上最大的轻工建筑建材贸易展,是世界具有影响力的建筑行业盛会之一,该展由美国国家居建筑协会(NAHB)组织,从1943年开始,一年一届,在美国各地轮流举行,近几年在拉斯维加斯与奥兰多举行。每年吸引来自100个国家的6万名观众。所有的家园建设材料从这里获得:IBS汇集了来自全球超过1,400家顶级制造商和供应商的面积达57万平方英尺的展览空间,展示最新和最需求的产品和服务。
IBS展会与美国厨卫展KBIS同期举办,是全美最具影响力的建筑设计周展(Design and Construction Week)。IBS展与KBIS展将不分馆举办,而是使用同一展厅不同区域。这将使得更多的企业共享完全一样的优秀专业客商资源。
展品范围(Show Products):
建筑建材机械:建筑工程机械、加工设备、玻璃门窗机械、施工机械、电动与手动工具、专用车、运输设备、工地防护用品、建筑工地设施等;建筑材料:门、窗、幕墙、玻璃、遮阳篷(伞);装饰板材;钢材、木材、铝塑板材、PVC、复合材料等;水泥、混凝土、石膏、密封材料;屋顶、墙体材料;保温隔热、防水防火材料;石材、陶瓷、瓷砖、地板与地毯;庭院设施、园林绿化摆设等;建筑五金:水嘴、水暖器材、暖通管道、PVC管道及附件、洁具五金配件、门(包括橱柜壁柜门)窗及门窗五金配件、阀门、紧固件、标准件、钉钉丝网等;通风系统:采暖空调、通风管道、卫浴设备、热水器及配套设备、厨房设备、建筑照明、灯具灯饰、其他住宅电器;家庭自动化:太阳能、遥控装置、音响录像装置、家庭影院与卫星产品、有线电视系统等 。
展会报告(Show Reports):
The NAHB International Builders' Show® (IBS) is the largest annual light construction show in the world. The 2023 show welcomed nearly 70,000 visitors from more than 100 countries.
The NAHB International Builders' Show® (IBS)—the premier, once-a-year event that connects, educates and improves the residential construction industry—is a hub for new product launches, construction demos, industry thought leader sessions, workshops, panel discussions…and more. The people, products and knowledge you’ll gain will give you the real ideas and real solutions you need to grow and strengthen your essential business.
Tens of thousands of industry professionals flock to IBS to network, discover innovative products and do business. Whether you’re a company seeking to enter the building industry market for the first time or you're looking for new opportunities to grow and expand your business, IBS is your best chance to reach everyone involved in residential construction.
With so many residential building industry professionals as a captive audience and 400+ media outlets in attendance, you maximize the exposure of your business, product or service during the three-day show.
Building industry professionals attend the Builders’ Show to discover innovative products, technology, services and more. They're not only there to find these items, they're ready to buy after they leave the show. You generate leads and sales at IBS unlike any other show you attend.
IBS is the one place the industry comes together each year. There's no better opportunity to meet, engage with and gather feedback from industry professionals.February 17 - 19, 2026, Orlando, Florida, Orange County Convention Center.