德国柏林国际消费类电子展览会(IFA)是全球最大的电器、消费类电子产品展览会之一,也是全球电子消费产品行业的头号订货会。众多来自国内外的电器生产厂商及商务公司。IFA 是世界上最重要的消费和家用电子产品贸易展,展出的新产品数量创历史新高,是主要零售商、买家以及行业和媒体专家的主要市场。
悠久历史: IFA 始于 1924 年,该展是世界最知名专业展览会之一,每年举办一届,由世界著名的柏林国际展览有限 公司( Messedamm )和德国娱乐和通讯电子协会( GFU )共同主办。该展是展示各类家电消费品最新产品的场所,代表着电子消费品行业发展的最新趋势,它为电子消费产品行业确定发展方向,传递着最新的发展情况,使生产和贸易行业清 楚地看到这些发展。
深远影响:欧洲每年消费类电子产品的销售额达到1000亿欧元,年增长率已超过15%。IFA 是展示新产品的理想平台、推广企业品牌的完美展台,能使您生动地介绍您的产品,并且为您优化您的品牌形象,提供了最佳的机会。全面的传媒设施,能够带来巨大的公众宣传效应。其宣传效果之好足以使您的产品在市场上取得成 功。愿您珍惜这一难得的机会,利用这个具有国际影响的高效市场营销渠道!
展品范围(Show Products):
1、电视和娱乐类: 电视、录像、家庭影院、全能产品、媒体;
2、个人电脑和游戏类: 硬件、软件、家用办公系统、寓学于乐产品;
3、音响和汽车媒体类: 高保真、顶极产品、汽车高保真、交通导航和移动媒体产品;
4、数码成像和数码音乐类: 影片、摄影和音乐录制、加工、传输、利用;
5、个人通讯类: 电讯、UMTS、在线服务、互联网UMTS (通用移动电讯系统)SNC;
6、卫星网络和有线视听类: 地面技术、卫星、有线视听、解码器、网络、居住安全和自动化。
展会报告(Show Reports):
An impressive comeback for IFA in 2023: brands, retailers and the public return in force to the world’s top consumer and home electronics event
Sustainability, Connectivity, and Smart Home solutions were the big themes at this year’s IFA Berlin – The proportion of trade visitors among attendees is growing – Strong demand for digital access to IFA
After a three-year break, IFA Berlin has made a strong return as the world’s top event for the consumer and home electronics industry. Despite the lockdowns and other restrictions that continue to affect parts of Asia, exhibitors took up more than 80% of floor space at the Messe Berlin fairgrounds, with brands keenly taking up the opportunity to finally reconnect face-to-face with retailers, media and the public.
Overall attendance at IFA 2023 was strong as well, especially considering the ongoing travel restrictions in Asia. Just over 150,000 people came to IFA Berlin during the five days of the show; compared to pre-pandemic years, industry professionals and trade visitors made up a higher proportion of all attendees. Many exhibitors reported an unusually high number of business meetings taking place during the show.
once again, IFA attracted a strong media presence; more than 2,500 journalists came to Berlin and around half of them were representing international media organizations. So far, media monitoring has identified coverage of IFA 2023 by publications and broadcasters in over 100 countries around the world. undefined