美国拉斯维加斯国际木工机械及家具配件展览会(AWFS Fair)是北美最大的木工行业展览会,包括木工机械及家具加工与配件展,该由木工家具供应商协会(AWFS-The Association of Woodworking & Furnishings Suppliers)主办,从1957年开始举办,两年一届,在拉斯维加斯会议中心举行,汇集了整个全球木工行业,深入审查了正在推动市场的新发展和动态,参加者代表每个行业木工制造专业人员,包括行业领导者、同行、同事、商业专家和顶级制造商,以建立他们的业务和探索新的机会。该展是目前世界上木工机械、家具生产设备及家具配件领域规模最大、影响力最大的专业展览会之一。
该展服务于整个家庭和商业家具行业,包括机械、硬件、软件、工具、木材、组件的制造商和分销商,木工行业包括橱柜、家具、木制品和定制木工产品。AWFS Fair参与者来自:住宅和商业柜,住宅家具,定制木制品和配件,商业/机构家具,窗和门,建筑工厂,单板/胶合板/复合板,商店装置,画框,木线条,设计/建筑,组件制造,其他建筑组件,木、金属、塑料,纸、塑料、乙烯基、层压板,软体产品,地板、尺寸木材,塑料加工商和分销商,软件与教育材料,展览展示建筑商,固体表面制造商。
参展AWFS Fair,将您的产品展示在展会现场,与会者是有兴趣、真正购买意向,80%是决策者;在展期举办的研讨会及贸易活动将最大化您的销售机会及产品技术提升;互动介绍您的新技术,令人振奋的创新和重要发展的展示;增强您的品牌和扩大您的影响力,该展是将全国和世界各地的所有买家联系起来。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
The woodworking industry, like many others, has undergone significant transformation and adaptation in the wake of the pandemic. We are now faced with unprecedented challenges related to inventory, staffing, housing slowdown, and other supply chain issues. However, at AWFS®Fair, we believe in embracing growth and change to create a brighter future. This presents an extraordinary opportunity for exhibitors like you to showcase your products and services, gain national and international exposure, and connect with a diverse audience of industry professionals.
Celebrating 112 years serving the wood industry, Association of Woodworking & Furnishing Suppliers® (AWFS®), is a non-profit, member owned organization. As owners and the management group behind AWFS®Fair, the Association takes proceeds from the show trade show and reinvests them back into the industry through legislative and education initiatives as a means of fulfilling AWFS®’s core purpose of helping working and furnishing suppliers and their customers sustain strong profitable businesses.