德国腓德烈港国际铁路火车模型及特殊模型展览会(FASZINATION MODELLBAU FRIEDRICHSHAFEN)是国际铁路火车模型、特殊模型及其配件专业贸易展览会,是欧洲最具吸引力和受欢迎的模范工程展,该展一年一届,在腓德烈港国际展览中心举行。该展来自欧洲各地的参展商、俱乐部和社团都喜欢在德国、瑞士和奥地利的交叉点坐落在康斯坦茨湖边上的展览馆,他们将展示一切模型爱好者在辉煌的光秃秃的展览厅,门厅和中庭以及宽敞的户外场地和展览湖,并直接进入邻近的机场。无论是在陆地上,水上还是在空中,建筑界每年都会提供最新、最壮观的演示模型和演示文稿,涵盖了模型工程的各个领域。该展要结合本行业的各个方面,汇集供应商、消费者和所有相关的主题在一个场地,并从周边的理想地理位置受益。
超过400家参展商,从市场领导者和小型系列制造商到库存良好的贸易商,展示了为期3天的惊人的缩影模型展示。与来自德国,瑞士和奥地利的游客一起共享模型盛会,包括来自意大利,法国,比荷卢和其他更多的国家,同样也期待着全球各地的观众光临FASZINATION MODELLBAU FRIEDRICHSHAFEN精彩展览活动。
展品范围(Show Products):
机车车辆:机车,驱动技术,数字音效模块,电动驱动器的系统,轨道、道床材料,商品旅行车,货运材料,铁路模型软件,接触网,马车,辊发电机米,信号,控制技术,电车模型,机架铁路;园林用途:迷你仿真树木和灌木,迷你仿真建筑,景观造型,垫料;模型铁路配件:车模,喷绘,蚀刻,防雷技术,CNC / CAD系统,电子元件,迷你仿真车,图册,参考书籍/杂志,胶粘剂,粘接技术,球轴承,焊接和焊接,油漆建模,模型刻字,视频,展示柜,材料,工具,机床;蒸汽建模:燃烧器和锅炉技术,蒸汽牵引引擎,蒸汽机车,蒸汽船,热空气。
展会报告(Show Reports):
Overwhelming! Expert visitors, exhibitors and families are all equally pleased with Europe’s most popular miniatures event and the largest model railroading exhibition in Europe.
It was a very special model building weekend in the tri-border region on Lake Constance from 4 to 6 November 2022, because Europe’s most popular and delightful miniatures event was back on the scene in all its glory with 326 exhibitors from 11 countries and more than 43,000 visitors from all over the world! Together with the premiere of the IMA International Model Railway Exhibition in Friedrichshafen and the iconic Echtdampf-Hallentreffen, Faszination Modellbau 2022 was an overwhelming success. Extraordinary shows, numerous highlights, outstanding new products, camera-ready demonstrations, lots of indoor and outdoor action and inspiring hands-on activities were on the agenda for three days.
“First of all, I’d like to express my sincere thanks to the dynamic, creative and highly professional modelling community for this fantastic weekend. With more than 1500 non-commercial participants in all segments including model railroading, steam engine model building, aircraft modelling, model truck building, ship modelling and plastic and cardboard model making, all sectors of the modelling hobby were vividly represented. The multitude and great variety of hands-on activities were extremely valuable, especially for children and teenagers. Our commercial exhibitors are also very satisfied, especially with the great figures and strong business,” exclaims Sascha Bürkel, project manager of the Model Making Events division of the Messe Sinsheim/Schall team.
For three days, the entire world of miniatures – on land, on the water and in the air – was hosted in nine large, bright exhibition halls, two animated foyers and at the directly adjacent Lake Constance Airport. Lots of new products, modelling highlights, demonstrations and obstacle courses presented by the modelling industry filled the attractive exhibition grounds in the tri-border region and radiated the unrivalled spirit of this unique triple event with Faszination Modellbau, Echtdampf-Hallentreffen and the 2022 International Model Railway Exhibition (IMA).
“The first IMA at the venue in Friedrichshafen was a great success for the sector. We can look back on a brilliant event, to which we welcomed visitors to our booth from all over Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy and other countries. A considerable catchment area was accessed by the IMA in Friedrichshafen. Our Märklin events team established numerous contacts and conducted lots of consultations. As you know, the Märklin brand unites generations, and we were especially pleased to see that the hands-on play areas were well frequented by enthusiastically active kids every day from morning till evening. We’re very satisfied and we’re already looking forward to IMA 2024 – here at its new place-to-be,” sums up Eric-Michael Peschel, head of events marketing at the industry leader.
Personal consultation is often short-changed due to consumer habits which are increasingly dominated by online shopping, but it was taken advantage of intensively at the large model building event. Rummaging, looking around, asking questions, discussing, marvelling and well-advised buying – in the end, there’s no substitute for personal contact amongst manufacturers, dealers and customers, and vice versa.
As a result, the annually held Faszination Modellbau inspires many national and international guests with its multi-sector mix of technically oriented topics such as model aircraft, ship and truck building, as well as model railroading and steam engine model building. This model building highlight not only brings the current model making season to its climax and conclusion, the exhibition also heralds the transition to the new year, which means that numerous new models, technologies, electronics and accessories awaited the visitors in Friedrichshafen. Accordingly, the trade fair audience was able to enjoy a wealth of new products from all sectors! For example, Brawa presented new products in the H0 and N gauges, NOCH Modell-Landschaftsbau exhibited its new 2022 products diorama, Faller featured a tunnel boring machine and an impressive model inspired by central station in Neustadt, Germany, and Herpa unveiled a model of a Mercedes-Benz Sprinter built especially for the International Model Railroad Exhibition in its trade fair design. ScaleArt introduced its new “Classic Line” and thrilled visitors with its special Unimog exhibition, Viessmann brought along its motorised road vehicles with revolutionary “CarMotion” technology, Hacker Motor unveiled its new console transmitter and Multiplex was “back for good” after a brief trade fair break with a large booth, a large team, and new products.
The illuminated night driving premiere on the truck and snow groomer courses was also an absolutely fascinating and long-awaited highlight this year, and the visitors were thrilled! What could be more wonderful than to set the miniatures aglow to appropriate music in the precisely choreographed lighting of the show illumination? Various themes were staged and demonstrated here for the audience in a camera-ready manner.
Whether steam punk at the Echtdampf-Hallentreffen, magnificent sailing by starlight or amusing duck shoving with the model ship builders, outstanding miniature parades on the exhibition podiums, sophisticated RC drifts with agile RC motorcycles or cool RC cars, high-speed action in the drone hall or crowds of applauding fans at the incomparably celestial FMT “Stars of the Year” air show, Faszination Modellbau is uniquely fascinating for a wonderful audience every year.
“We’re very pleased that Faszination Modellbau is back in full force and stronger than ever before, along with the IMA and Echtdampftreffen. Our weekend concept with Friday dedicated to expert visitors, Saturday open to expert visitors, other interested parties and friends, as well as our magnificent family day on Sunday, is a complete success and a source of great pleasure for us as event organisers,” says Andreas Wittur, authorised signatory of Messe Sinsheim, in summing up the triple event in 2022.
After the trade fair is before the trade fair! The next Faszination Modellbau will take place in Friedrichshafen in the tri-border region where Germany, Switzerland and Austria meet from the 3rd through the 5th of November, 2023. Save the dates, the countdown starts now.