美洲国际阀门展览会(Valve World Americas Expo & Conference)是世界上最大的、主要的阀门设备及技术贸易展览会,从2011年开始,两年一届,在美国德克萨斯州休斯顿举行,或在美洲各地轮流举行。从造船行业的贸易参观者,电机和汽车制造,化工,电力供应业,海洋和近海工业,食品加工业,机械和设备制造都使用的阀门技术的快速发展,这是全面展示在阀门世界博览会。其主要材料和设备工程师,质量检验,供应商和零售商的阀门,以及供应商的铸造技术,锻造,工业弹簧和密封访问阀门世界贸易博览会和会议,以获得与产品和服务的全球范围熟悉,并分析了最新的技术趋势。 同期举行的泵峰会(Pump Summit)是专业的泵技术展览与研讨会议。
Valve World Expo的主要展品:阀门,阀门相关产品,密封件和密封材料,阀门相关的管道产品,工程,协会和出版社。单数年的六月底VALVE WORLD EXPO成为阀门界的行业盛会,制造商和用户在构建全球需求的强大技术要求范围内满足比较需求和解决方案, 参与这个领先的商业平台!为期两天的活动吸引了来自北美,欧洲,印度,中国,中东和拉丁美洲等世界各地的流量控制专家。这些国际代表包括阀门主题专家,采购经理,管道工程师和材料专家,其中包括菲利普斯,福陆,陶氏化学公司,雅各布斯工程公司,壳牌等有影响力的公司的代表。
Valve World Expo观展目标群体:矿业,生物技术,(石油)化工,(核)发电,石油、天然气和液化天然气,船舶与海洋工程,食品加工业,农业,纸浆和纸张,制药和医疗行业,水和废水管理,汽车,航天,机械工程,造船。
展品范围(Show Products):
2、执行器及控制系统:驱动器配件,传动器,执行器,控制及仪器,控制系统,电动执行机构,液压执行元件,手动执行器,调节型执行器,其他执行器,气动执行器,定位器,阀门执行器,链轮 ;
展会报告(Show Reports):
Valve World Americas 2023 Expo & Conference: An Unforgettable Experience!
The 2023 Valve World Americas Expo & Conference took place on June 7th and 8th at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas. With very strong attendance at both the expo and conference, Valve World Americas is pleased to announce that the event was a great success! Featured speakers and exciting events on the expo floor made this event a truly dynamic place to network, forge connections, and expand opportunities.
Long-awaited and much anticipated, the 2023 Valve World Americas Expo & Conference once again served as a diverse meeting ground for the international flow control industry. After all, the event is North America’s only conference devoted specifically to valves and industrial valve systems.
The first Valve World Americas Expo & Conference was held in 2011 in the Woodlands, Texas and the event has since become one of the most important flow control events in the United States. Sponsored by Bonney Forge, Bray, SLB, Crane, MRC Global, Quadax, and Velan, the 7th edition of this event brought together 255 exhibiting companies and an audience of over 4,000 flow control subject matter experts, distributors, manufacturers, and end users. By offering a unique platform on which individuals could connect with one another, share knowledge and expertise, and learn about new and emerging products, all attendees were able to gain a newfound knowledge of the intricate workings of the valve industry.
While the bulk of the event took place on the 7th and 8th of June, individuals of any skill level had the chance to get warmed up and excited for the event’s proceedings by attending one of three valve-focused courses offered on June 6th.
Attendees had the choice of partaking in the Industrial Valves course, the Industrial Valves Master Class, or the Fugitive Emissions Course, based on their interests and experience levels. Each course featured several renowned valve subject matter experts as instructors and was well attended. Upon completion of the course, students were invited to a welcome reception, where a speaker meeting was held for the delegates presenting at the conference. This gave speakers and students alike the chance to reconnect and meet new faces, before engaging in further learning opportunities the following day.
Looking Forward
Alongside the professional courses, speaker’s series, networking opportunities, and showcases of new products and solutions on the Expo floor, this year’s program also featured several opportunities for suppliers and distributors to host company meetings, liaise, and meet with each other directly. The event space even featured several accessible indoor and outdoor venues for attendees to unwind, strategize, and advance their businesses. With plans for the next event already underway, The Valve World Americas team would like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s event and welcome them to the upcoming event in 2025.
The next Valve World Americas Expo & Conference will return to the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, TX, on June 4 -5th, 2025 .