德国柏林国际进口商品交易博览会(import SHOP BERLIN / Bazaar Berlin)是国际上大型的进出口商品贸易交易会,来自德国及世界各地的出口商、进口商、生产商展示及寻找他们的商品,纯属于商品贸易活动,展会从1962年开始,每年一届,在柏林国际展览中心举行。从2014年开始展会名称更改为Bazaar Berlin。
充满美感的世界 - 在过去的近50年来,import SHOP BERLIN成功地提出了一个独特的概念:“全球本地产品市场”。 每年艺术和手工艺品零售商和制造商在柏林会面展出具有高品质的产品,热情的民族和自然的买家。 此事件是真正的规模,整体经验和成功所罕见的。
自然的生活 - 当幸福满足安心。从A到Z的游客会发现一切,他们是健康的,均衡的生活方式的需要:从吠陀产品,有机葡萄酒,风水,医疗和大麻织产品,矿产品,天然化妆品,环保时尚,回收产品,保健产品,放松技术和禅宗冥想。
独特性和高质量的完美和谐。 如果你的产品和服务在国内或在艺术世界比工艺品,那么这里独特的艺术风格+论坛是你的理想地方,艺术家和画廊主人一起参展专业设计工作,包括时装,珠宝,家居装饰和室内设计等。
圣诞节和节日充满新意, 在家里座谈会特别是冬季和理想展示美丽优雅的家居产品。从装饰品,家居饰品和冬季插花原为圣诞礼物的想法,这就是展会观众寻找灵感时他们在家享受冬天,更舒适,体现圣诞节的精神。
参展商服务对象:来自德国和世界各地的进口商,出口商和制造商。 观众目标群体:进口商,批发商,零售商,商业代理和消费者。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
For 60 years now, Bazaar Berlin has been Germany’s leading international consumer exhibition for handicrafts, designer articles, natural goods and fair trade products. People in the capital and the local region are enthusiastic buyers of high-quality, sustainable products. They love the wide range of goods on display and appreciate thenatural appeal of the materials used and outstanding craftsmanship.
As the seasons of Advent and Christmas approach, unusual and original gifts are much in demand. Bazaar Berlin is unique – with the range of products, experience and success that it offers.
Every year in November, around 500 manufacturers and traders from over 60 countries present their unique goods and typical products at the Bazaar Berlin. The exhibition grounds are transformed into a lively and sensual place where even shopping becomes a gift. Just in time for Advent, you will find original gifts for all walks of life. Discover the diversity and fascination of Bazaar Berlin in its five themed worlds: World Market, Art & Style, Natural Living, Fair & Social and Winter at Home.