

   日期:2023-07-12     浏览:7668    状态:状态
展会日期 2025-05-04 至 2025-05-08
展出城市 拉斯维加斯
展出地址 拉斯维加斯会议展览中心(Las Vegas Convention Center)
展馆名称 拉斯维加斯会议展览中心
主办单位 北美照明工程协会
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)
在线报名 在线报名


美国国际照明及技术展览会(LIGHTFAIR INTERNATIonAL - LFI)是美国及北美区域最大的照明及技术专业展览会,是照明行业首屈一指的展览会,是最先进的创新设计、样式、技术、交流机遇及技术培训等汇聚在一起大型专业事件活动。 LFI为来自世界各地照明厂商 与业内专业人士举行的各种论坛、讨论、会议等活动。该展是北美地区乃至全球最具影响力的建筑和商业照明展览盛会。该展由美国北美照明 工程协会和国际照明设计协会主办,从1992年开始,一年一届,在美国各地轮流举行。


该展的专业观众都是来自国际以及美国本土的建筑、照明、工程、各类设计单位等方面的顶尖专业人士。许多知名企业都是连续参展。与 LIGHTFAIR INTERNATIONAL同期举办的还有全球最大的以建筑和商业照明为主题的研讨会,为国际灯具制造商们提供了一个展示新产品、提高 知名度、发扬新技术与服务、示范应用软件及有效解决技术难题的绝佳场所;同时也为展商和客商之间提供相互交流的机会,使大家亲身体验 到新产品、新设计、新技术和服务的新理念,也使得展商可以及时了解到当今灯具行业发展的趋势。


展商来自:镇流器,楼宇集成照明,现代照明,装饰照明,控制设备,专业灯具,日光照明产品与服务,灯具类型,灯座和开关,电表及 相关仪表,高端灯具,安装设备,光源,外观灯具,照明控制器件,太阳能产品及解决方案。

观众来自:建筑师,景观建筑师/设计师,承包商,经销商/批发商,教育家,照明设计师,电气工程师,工程师,制造商和原始设备制造 商,政府部门,能源顾问/专家,公用事业专家,能源经理,零售设计师,工程师,节能服务公司,指示灯,学生,基金经理,城市规划师, 室内设计师,政府官员,视觉陈列,公用事业。


展品范围(Show Products):

专业照明:室内照明、室外/街道照明、公共场所照明、建筑照明、广告照明、工程照明、工厂照明、工矿照明、紧急照 明灯、太阳能灯;








展会报告(Show Reports):

NEW YORK – June 1, 2023 – Over its 5-day run, LightFair registered more than 11,500 attendees from across the world for education, discovery and networking at its 2023 Trade Show and Conference, May 21-25, at New York City’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center.

"Lightfair lit up New York City, with over 100 well-received Conference sessions, 30+ exhibit floor educational opportunities and 320+ Tradeshow exhibits," said Dan Darby, show director. "LightFair continues to raise the bar for breadth and depth of education and exhibits, cementing its place in the lighting industry calendar as a must-attend event."

In 2023, LightFair attendees hailed from across the nation and around the world, including representation from 70 countries and 49 states along with crossover attendance from the co-location with the International Contemporary Furniture Fair and partnership with the city-wide design festival, NYCxDesign.

Eager attendees gathered as early as 8:00 a.m. on opening day of the Trade Show to take part in LightFair 2023. Quality connections were reported across the show floor by brands, specifiers, designers, and architects from the minute the trade show opened.

“We knew we had to launch Color-Stream®, our new and innovative technology and product platform, at LightFair this year to create awareness, and we were pleasantly surprised with the quantity and quality of attendees,” said Vladimir Grigorik, President, CTO and Chairman of GVA Lighting. “We work in a very niche segment of the architectural lighting industry and there is a limited number of lighting designers and architects that specialize in specifying products like ours, and we saw the right people here.”

George Moghaizel, CEO of Bold Lighting, added, “we have seen mostly lighting designers, which is our audience so it is perfect for us. We had enough time to sit with every attendee, both returning and new, and explain our products. The pace at which people were coming in the booth allowed us to be able to accommodate everyone.”

Attendees took to social media to detail pleasant and productive visits to LightFair.

“Attending LightFair in New York is an amazing experience. The atmosphere is buzzing with excitement and innovation, and I am inspired by cutting-edge technologies,” said Brazilian attendee, Javier Iglesias Borrell, CEO of Kumux Lighting Solutions, on linkedIn. “I am grateful for the connections and knowledge I am gaining, and this experience will undoubtedly shape our future projects.”

Likewise, attendee Carlton E. Chew, IES Richmond VA Section President, took to linkedIn and added, “The lighting community at LightFair is like no other. The education is unmatched, the show floor is expansive and energetic, the welcoming atmosphere is unrivaled, the off-site activities are outstanding and the memories are unforgettable.”

The expanded 2023 on-floor events and education at LightFair, which were developed by LightFair co-owners the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) and the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES), drew attendees eager to learn and discover the latest design and outdoor trends and enjoy networking and tours.

“LightFair was a huge success and IALD is proud to play a vital part in such a needle-moving lighting Trade Show,” said Christopher Knowlton, IALD CEO. “The Immersive Lighting Installations and IALD Designery brought innovation, creativity and design excellence within the industry directly to attendees, and we are looking forward to bringing more design education and inspiration in 2025.”

Among 2023 highlights were the introduction of the first-ever Immersive Lighting Installations (ILIs), which encouraged attendees to consider new ways to utilize lighting for different projects and added a more design-focused element to the show floor.

Winning ILI team Traxon e:cue and Tillotson Design Associates

For the inaugural ILIs, the seven participating designer/exhibitor teams were encouraged to build their installations around a “Circular Economy” theme. Traxon e:cue and design firm Tillotson Design Associates were selected as the winners who best represented the theme with their installation titled “Seeds of Light.”

The LightFair Conference offered over 100 sessions for the first time ever, with educational programming by the IES. The sessions, which ranged in length from 60 minutes to full-day, were well attended and received high acclaim for the breadth and depth of lighting topics and presenters.

LightFair Conference attendees learn the latest in lighting from live education

“I have attended a number of sessions over three days, many on sustainability, reusing and recycling and end-of-life issues, which are critically important to the work I do. I am leaving with many new ideas and thoughts on how I can do things differently,” said Jean Bonander, government official and member of the California Street Lighting Association.

Conference presenter, Daniel Blitzer, principal of The Practical Lighting Workshop, added, “This year, we saw lighting and controls practitioners from many areas of the industry, both those with little experience and those with a great deal. Our workshop and presentation were developed specifically for Lightfair 2023, and I think the audience appreciated that the material was both fresh and relevant. Additionally, the questions and feedback received during the sessions were very valuable.”

The LightFair Conference, which was curated by the IES, provided five educational tracks – Art, Business, Process, Science and Technology. Many of the sessions focused heavily on lighting sustainability with reports of sessions being well received and attended.

IES CEO and Executive Director, Colleen Harper, added, “The IES was blown away by the energy at LightFair. The new components that debuted this year, including the strong conference program that truly reflected IES educational priorities – the curation of which was led by IES Director of Education and Standards, Brienne Musselman – sets us up for an incredibly bright future. We are looking forward to 2025 already.”

LightFair returns in 2025, lighting up Las Vegas, May 4-8, at the Las Vegas Convention Center. This five-day event is the perfect blend of commercial and industrial lighting, coinciding with the HD Expo + Conference at Mandalay Bay Convention Center and showrooms at the Las Vegas Design Center (LVDC), forming a dynamic Interior Design Week, May 6-8, 2025.

LightFair 2025 provides industry suppliers more opportunities to innovate and set new standards in lighting design and technology applications.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
美国国际照明及技术展览会(LIGHTFAIR INTERNATIonAL - LFI)是美国及北美区域最大的照明及技术专业展览会,是照明行业首屈一指的展览会,是最先进的创新设计、样式、技术、交流机遇及技术培训等汇聚在一起大型专业事件活动。 LFI为来自世界各地照明厂商 与业内专业人士举行的各种论坛、讨论、会议等活动。该展是北美地区乃至全球最具影响力的建筑和商业照明展览盛会。该展由美国北美照明 工程协会和国际照明设计协会主办,从1992年开始,一年一届,在美国各地轮流举行。


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