

   日期:2023-07-02     浏览:477    状态:状态
展会日期 2024-05-06 至 2024-05-09
展出城市 芝加哥
展出地址 芝加哥麦考密克广场展览中心(McCormick Place)
展馆名称 芝加哥麦考密克广场展览中心
主办单位 美国制造技术业协会
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)


北美国际机器人及自动化展览会(Automate)是北美最大的自动化技术解决方案的展览会。原先国际机器人、视觉与运动控制展,其历史可以追溯到1977年,现在Automate展示自动化技术及解决方案,为各行各业提供自动化解决方案。该展会一年一次,由推进自动化协会(A3)和其贸易协会、机器人工业协会(RIA)、全球视觉和成像协会(AIA -)以及运动控制和电机协会(MCMA)共同组织在美国举行。




Automate展参展商包括:数以百计的行业领先企业将参展自动化展,来自世界各地的参展商将展示自动化设备和系统,包括:自动装配机/系统,自动识别和数据收集/ RFID,人体工程学和安全设备,工业自动化控制,运动控制设备,零件装卸设备/输送机和材料,机器人/机器人系统,传感器和传感器集成系统,系统集成/咨询,以及视觉和成像设备/系统。

一个全面的教育会议伴随着Automate展。会议特色班非常广泛,从初级到高级的技能水平,提供适合所有与会者 - 他们可以采取一个课程培训四天。课程由经验丰富的行业专业人士是理解我们的与会者所面临的行业挑战来任教。我们的会议已经一直被评为高品质、高价值、提供经验培训,是值得马上工作的培训。

展品范围(Show Products):

交流驱动器,交流电机,执行器及机械系统,粘合剂设备与供应,装配机/系统,自动识别和数据收集/ RFID,质量无损控制仪表,轴承,电缆/电缆组件/连接器,校准设备与服务,相机,摄像头和照明灯围罩,承包自动化和组装服务,控制,咨询服务,驱动器和放大器,电子硬盘,编码器和解析器,手臂工装端,工程服务,图像采集与处理,齿轮,工业机器人,照明器材,打标设备,材料测试设备,移动机器人,计量设备,运动控制器,电机和电机控制,光学与镜头,零件装卸设备/输送机,PLC,定位系统,安全与人体工学设备,传感器和反馈设备/系统,服务机器人,仿真软件,软件,表面分析设备,系统集成商,培训服务,视觉系统,焊接设备及用品,其他自动化或自动化相关的设备。

展会报告(Show Reports):

Record Automate 2023 Event Leads to Annual Show

Automate 2023 set record attendance with more than 30,000 registrants

Automate is heading to Chicago in 2024 and will return to Detroit in 2025

ANN ARBOR, Michigan – June 6, 2023 – Automate, the largest robotics and automation trade show in North America, celebrated its most successful event to date with record numbers. More than 30,000 people from around the world registered to visit the sold-out show floor featuring 757 exhibitors during Automate’s four-day run May 22-25, 2023 in Detroit, Michigan.

Due to the extraordinary demand for automation and the growing need companies have – both to learn how automation can benefit them as well as connect with partners who can help them deploy automation solutions – the Association for Advancing Automation (A3) will now hold Automate annually.

“I want to take a moment to thank all the sponsors, speakers, exhibitors, and attendees who contributed to making Automate 2023 such a tremendous success,” said Jeff Burnstein, president of A3. “As this show demonstrated, demand for robotics and automation technologies is accelerating as companies in every industry seek automation solutions to improve their competitiveness.”

Previously held every other year, the show featured four halls of exhibits, keynote speakers each day, relevant show floor theater sessions, a start-up competition, and a comprehensive educational conference attended by over 1,000 people with courses on topics such as robotics, artificial intelligence, machine vision and motion control taught by more than 200 industry experts. Attendees said the mix of exhibitions, discussions and people energized the show floor all week.

“We found tremendous value exhibiting at Automate,” said Kevin Barker, president of Beckhoff Automation . “The audience was knowledgeable, engaged, and excited about automation technology and we look forward to continuing to participate every year moving forward.”

Startup Competition Highlights

On the second day of Automate, nine technology startups went head-to-head to win the Phoenix Contact Startup Challenge.

ESTAT Actuation was selected by a panel of venture capital judges for its game-changing technologies and received a $10,000 cash prize. ESTAT electroadhesive products are 10x lighter, 10x more compact, and 1000x more efficient than conventional versions, enabling groundbreaking new solutions for robotic joints, end of arm tooling gripping, and untethered robot designs.

“Automate was incredible for generating customer interest and connections. Everyone loved seeing and experiencing our hardware demos, and winning the startup challenge gave us a great avenue to build awareness of our products and gain industry advocates,” said Stuart Diller, CEO of ESTAT Actuation.

Engelberger Award Winners Honored

Recipients of the 2023 Engelberger Awards, the world's most prestigious robotics honor, were celebrated at the Joseph F. Engelberger Awards Dinner and Ceremony on May 24. Roberta Nelson Shea of Universal Robots was recognized as the Application winner for her outstanding work in global robotics safety; and Jeff Burnstein of the Association for Advancing Automation was honored in Leadership for his work promoting the robotics industry for the past four decades at the Association for Advancing Automation.

Automate Rewind

For anyone unable to attend the event live or who missed keynote speeches and discussions, there’s still a chance to check them out. Automate Rewind will be launched the week of June 12, 2023. It will feature an entire digital library of content from Automate 2023, including recordings of keynote sessions, theater talks, Automate LIVE interviews, exhibitor spotlights, and more. Automate Rewind will be available here.

2024 and 2025 Event Details

Next year, Automate will be held May 6-9 at McCormick Place in Chicago and the show will return to Detroit May 12-15, 2025. 2024 booth space is already more than 60% reserved. If your company would like to reserve space, contact Jim Hamilton, A3’s VP of Sales, here to book a booth or explore sponsorship opportunities.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
北美国际机器人及自动化展览会(Automate)是北美最大的自动化技术解决方案的展览会。原先国际机器人、视觉与运动控制展,其历史可以追溯到1977年,现在Automate展示自动化技术及解决方案,为各行各业提供自动化解决方案。该展会一年一次,由推进自动化协会(A3)和其贸易协会、机器人工业协会(RIA)、全球视觉和成像协会(AIA -)以及运动控制和电机协会(MCMA)共同组织在美国举行。


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