北美国际精细化工及医药原料展览会(CPhI North America / Informex USA)是北美最大的最专业的国际精细化工及医药原料展览会,由UBM主办,美国合成有机化学品制造商协会(SOCMA)支持,该展览会是美国目前唯一的精细化工及医药原料专业展览会,从1985年开始在美国举行,在国际化工界享有盛誉,尤其是定制合成业务更是该展览会的突出特色。展会主题:可持续化学,融资趋势,页岩气更新,电子化学的进步,特种化学品概述,提高石油采收率,生物燃料文摘,商业化新兴技术,生命科学行业展望。
展会同欧洲展一样,按医药分为:CPhI 医药原料展、ICSE世界临床制药展、P-MEC世界制药机械、包装设备与材料展和InnoPack世界生物制药展,四展合一是全球制药行业不可不去的盛会,特别是北美庞大的市场,吸引着全球制药企业每年参展。
INFORMEX是引领于全球精细与特种化学品行业的年度盛会。 INFORMEX得到了社会各界的聚会场所,其供应商超过30年,并继续成为这个行业内领先者,并举行学习和实现业务发展和创新目标的论坛。INFORMEX吸引负责原料、采购、来料加工、工艺、规模化、工程设计、科研、销售及市场推广等专业观众,以及来自全国各地的精细与特种化学品的最终用途市场,包括更多的超过2500名高管及高层与会者:农用化学品及植保,消费品及家居用品,施工,电子、设备和IT,香精香料,食品与饮料,生命科学与生物技术,油漆和涂料,石油化工与能源,制药,塑料和聚合物,纺织材料。
展会规模:参展的企业有BASF, Chevron Phillips, Clariant, Solvay, Lonza等400多家企业参展,超过4000名专业观众参观了该展会。其中三分之二的观众来自北美地区,其它来自欧洲、亚洲及其它地区,更有70%观众有采购意向。展商以创新产品或最新产品为主展示,现场丰富的展品、专业的技术、新的生产原料及技术解决方案吸引了众多专业观众前去参观洽谈。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
Ahead of the return of CPhI North America, we've commissioned an in-depth report into the US pharma market focusing on how the pandemic has affected public discourse and political priorities, and how it could alter the pharmaceutical supply paradigm in the medium term. Analysis from six leading US experts – following extensive interviews and data collection – provides an essential guide to near-term priorities, medium-term capacity constraints and longer-term shifts underway in the US pharma market supply chain.
Pennsylvania Convention Center(宾夕法尼亚会议中心)
The Pennsylvania Convention Center opened its doors in 1993 and underwent a substantial expansion that was completed in 2011. Today, the Center consists of more than 2 million square feet of space, including seven exhibit halls totaling 679,000 square feet of exhibit space-528,000 square feet of which is contiguous exhibit space.
Located in the heart of downtown Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania Convention Center is one of the few convention centers that is uniquely woven into the city’s landscape, offering visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves and enjoy the full cultural, culinary, and retails experiences of the city. More than 10,000 hotel rooms and hundreds of restaurants, shops, historical attractions, and cultural institutions are within walking distance of the Center.