

  • 品牌名称:NTSA
  • 公司名称:深圳市环宇视展展览策划有限公司
  • 官方主页https://www.trainingsystems.org/
  • 所在地区:中国广东
  • 浏览次数26066
  • 更新日期:2020-08-24

Organizations and individuals in the Modeling & Simulation and Training industries are represented through membership in the National Training and Simulation Association (NTSA), a proud affiliate of the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA).

NTSA provides the training, simulation, related support systems and training services industries a focused, formal organization to represent and promote their business interests in the market place. 

NTSA also fosters relationships between the training industry, planners and acquisition agencies regarding requirements, procurement issues and policies.

Association Objectives

Represent to government the non-partisan business interests of the simulation, training and support services industries.

Increase the value of training systems and services provided by industry to government.

Inform and educate the legislative policymaking acquisition and regulatory functions of government, including Congress, the Department of Defense (DoD) and other agencies.

Provide direct contact between acquisition activities and the industry to better communicate with regard to procurement issues and policies.

Provide industry-wide bulletins and news reports.

Act as a clearing house for business policy, ethics and practices affecting industry

"Our Industry has a very important job to do in providing the very best of training equipment and simulation technologies for our forces in the field," said NTSA President James Robb. "We need to ensure that the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines are better trained than ever before."



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